Tip #16 - Don't automatically continuation bet every flop
While continuation betting (c-betting) is a powerful weapon in poker, many players overuse it by betting every flop after raising pre-flop. This predictable strategy can be exploited by observant opponents. A good c-betting strategy requires careful consideration of multiple factors.
Here are situations where you should consider checking instead of c-betting:
- When the flop is likely to have hit your opponent's calling range
- When facing multiple opponents
- When the board is very coordinated (lots of straight and flush possibilities)
- When your hand has showdown value but little chance of improvement
- When your opponent rarely folds to continuation bets
Good spots for continuation betting include:
- When the flop is dry (uncoordinated) and unlikely to have helped your opponent
- When you're heads-up against one opponent
- When you have a strong draw in addition to your overcards
- When your opponent is likely to fold to pressure
- When you have position and can better control the pot size
Consider these factors when deciding whether to c-bet:
- Board texture (how well it hits your range vs. opponent's range)
- Your opponent's tendencies (do they fold or float often?)
- Position (c-betting is more effective in position)
- Stack sizes (deeper stacks make bluffs more credible)
- Your image and recent history with your opponent
Remember that checking doesn't mean giving up on the pot. Sometimes, checking allows you to better control the pot size, protect your hand's showdown value, or set up a better bluffing opportunity on a later street. The key is to be unpredictable and to base your decision on the specific situation rather than following a rigid rule.