
Texas Hold'em Math 01


Poker math is NOT rocket science.

The basics of calculating poker odds are actually quite simple… and only require knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If you made it past the 5th grade, you can learn to figure "pot odds" in no time.

Personally, I played no limit Texas Holdem for YEARS without knowing ANY of this stuff. I used my "instincts" when deciding whether or not to stay in a hand.

When I finally learned some poker "math", my skills increased considerably. Not only because I began making better decisions at the table, but because my new skills led to me to new INSIGHTS about the game and how it's played.

Learning odds will expand your poker IQ in a way that makes learning advanced strategies and theory much easier.

But there's a problem.


Up until now, poker odds was only taught by a handful of pros and books, and most of the time it's been explained in a way that's too complex to understand.

No one has brought the world of "poker math" down to an easy, step-by-step format that anyone can learn quickly…

And that's my goal here.

I've done my best to explain the basics of odds calculations for the game of no limit Texas Holdem. Use this information as another tool in your toolbox... in conjunction with the many other strategies and secrets you learned in my book.

When you're done with this, I'd love for you to email me your feedback. If there's enough interest, in the future I might write another book JUST about advanced poker math and theory. I can be reached at

While reading this report, it's important that you read the sections IN ORDER and ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Each section builds on the previous sections.

OK, let's get started.