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Boyaa Interactive International Limited
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 0434)
This announcement is made by Boyaa Interactive International Limited (the " Company ", together with its subsidiaries, the " Group ") on a voluntary basis for the purpose of keeping shareholders of the Company and potential investors informed of the latest development of the Group.
The board (the " Board ") of directors (the " Directors ") of the Company announces that, on 17 September 2024, the Company had entered into a subscription agreement (the " Agreement ") with MTT ESports Limited (" MTT ESports ") pursuant to which, the Company will invest in MTT ESports at a consideration of 100 units of Bitcoin (BTC) (which is equivalent to a total value of USD5,819,251, calculated based on the market price* of BTC on the day immediately before the date of this announcement) (the " Investment ").
Upon completion of the Investment, the Company will be interests in 25% shareholding in MTT ESports. MTT ESports will not become a subsidiary of the Company as a result of the Investment and its financial results will not be consolidated in the financial statements of the Group. To the best knowledge, information and belief of the Directors after making all reasonable enquiries, MTT ESports and its ultimate beneficial owner are both independent third parties and are not connected to the Company and its connected persons.
MTT ESports is a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability. It is principally engaged in the development and operation of Web3 infrastructure and Web3 games. It develops and owns the MTT Sports Platform and MTT Network.
MTT Sports Platform is an Esports application that supports both PC and mobile devices which has been launched on the market in 2024, with the aim to create a world-class brand of competitive events. MTT Sports Platform allows gamers to participate for free, enabling them to enjoy a high-quality competitive event experience without any financial investment, thereby encouraging more users to participate in the competition in a healthy way.
MTT Network is a high-performance Cosmos ecological blockchain, compatible with EVM (a virtual machine running on the Ethereum blockchain, which can execute smart contracts written in Solidity or other programming languages). MTT Network serves as the technical foundation of MTT Sports Platform. It enhances the competitiveness, fairness, and security of the tournaments.
MTT Sports Platform is highly complementary to our Group's traditional gaming business. Our Group intends to leverage on MTT ESports' ability to achieve a deeper layout in the field of Web3 games.
The Board is of the view that the Investment will further promote the Group's business development and layout in the Web3 industry, and show that the Group will deepen its presence in the Web3 industry and leverage the Group's extensive experience in the web games industry and the favourable policy on Web3 in Hong Kong to build a pure and leading Web3 listed company.
As all the applicable percentage ratios (as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the " Listing Rules ")) in respect of the Investment are less than 5%, the entering into the Agreement does not constitute any notifiable transaction under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules.
By order of the Board
Boyaa Interactive International Limited
DAI Zhikang
Chairman and Executive Director
Hong Kong, 17 September 2024
As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. DAI Zhikang and Ms. TAO Ying; the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. CHEUNG Ngai Lam, Mr. CHOI Hon Keung Simon and Mr. MA Jingchun.
* The market price of Bitcoin is determined with reference to the closing price on the day immediately before the date of this announcement as shown on http://coinmarketcap.com